Friday, April 29, 2016

Get to know more deeply the Drone Selfie

Get to know more deeply the Drone Selfie
Get to know more deeply the Drone Selfie - Already bored with the selfie camera or selfie with tongsis? You need to try this oneselfie, selfie drones. Selfie or the activity of photographing yourself now has indeedhas become a growing trend. The development of this trend is increasingly evidentas selfie activities that make being a general culture of modern society. Selfie is indeed a very enjoyable activity for many people and is favored by everybody from children to adults.

Trend selfie more lively now instead utilized by some electronic media to enliven the occasion. Selfie that be the way some people express themselves is becoming important to scrutiny and followed its development. Indonesia is considered a potential market #smartphone and selfie the actuator will certainly become a target market when the drone has been rampant and widespread selfie.

Although now drones are not yet mass-produced, does not mean drone selfie aren'tpopular. Some circles now is developing drones to selfie it with an attractive designand can be mass produced. If the future drone has been marketed as a smartphone, not a mean drone selfie will become a trend as tongsis (stick narcissist).

What is a Selfie Drone?

Drone selfie selfie is performed by using a machine to fly without a crew equipped camera and controlled from a distance using powerful tool. Selfie using the drones will produce an image that appears larger than selfie are usually the only affordable all arms or tongsis.
This wider picture gained because the images were taken from a certain height from the aircraft without the crew. The plane drones its own mini size and supported by four propellers. Drones could not be flown in vain. When flying the drones must heed the altitude and wind pressure.

The Development Of Technology.

The emergence of the selfie drone is inseparable from the development of technology. The technology of aircraft without crew to fly without pilots and controlled from the ground is indeed to have found his form. If we know the first drone is still used by the military for the sake of the defense of the country, now the drones can already possessed by the general public.

When Art and creativity Unite.

In addition to the factors in the development of technology, the level of creativity and artistic side of the technique also took pictures of alleged thing that influenced the emergence of the selfie drones. The most selfie lovers from among teenagers this obviously has a lot of things like the creativity that arises from a sense of the art.

Then the teens it will often dabble in other shooting techniques that may be better than ever. Then came the drone selfie, the technique of taking pictures from a distance with an aircraft without the crew.

The Camera Is The Most Important Element.

Although this selfie drone is the latest style selfie from selfie-selfie before, but the name selfie as the activity photograph themselves certainly have things most important staple that can not be forgotten. The most important thing that is #kamera.

In the selfie there is also a drone camera for taking pictures, and camera drones it certainly should be a priority that needs to be observed. Because it is useless if the technique of shooting with the drones is running but the results of the drawing is notgood, then this will be futile.

Great Price

Yup, drones are goods and technologies which are fairly expensive. A drone for the latest IE selfie Nixie if qualify and mass produced, you should be prepared to spend not less than $ 1000 USD or approximately 10,000,000 (assuming 1 $ = IDR 10000) to have it. Of course this price is not cheap for the size of Indonesia society. But that's the reality, the latest technology to be paid to the latest selfie.

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