Thursday, April 28, 2016

The History And Development Of Linux

The History And Development Of Linux

The History And Development Of LinuxIn 1969, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (also is the developer of the C language), researchers at Bell Laboratories AT&T United, made the UNIX operating system, the forerunner of Linux. UNIX get great attention because it is the first operating system that was created not by a hardware maker. In addition, because the whole source code created with C language, so that makes it easy to pemindahannya to various platforms.

In a short time UNIX evolved in two lines: UNIX developed by Berkeley University and developed by AT&T. Once it starts many companies are involved, and there was a great competition that involves many companies to hold control in the field of operating systems. The rivalry caused the need for standardization. From this was born the project led by the POSIX IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) which aims to establish a standard specification of UNIX. Since that time, appear various types of UNIX.

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One of them is the MINIX was made by a. s. Tanenbaum for educational purposes. This is the MINIX source code by Linus Torvalds, a student of the University of Helsinki at the time, then allowed as a reference to create a new operating system which is free and the source code can be accessed by the public. This operating system was later given the name Linux. In building Linux, Linus using tool-tool of the Free Software Foundation's GNU-licensed. Then to make Linux an operating system intact, he includes programs which also licensed the GNU.

Derived from the Unix operating system was developed and implemented in the 1960s and first released in 1970. Factor availability and high kompatibilitasnya causes it may be used, copied and modified extensively by academic institutions and at businesses.

Linux is an operating system that is multi user and multitasking, which can run on a variety of platforms, including the INTEL 386 processors and higher. This operating system implements the POSIX standard. Linux can be berinteroperasi in well with other operating systems, including Apple, Microsoft and Novell.
The name itself is derived from Linux creator, LINUS TORVALDSinitially at the University of Helsinki, Finland which actually refers to the kernel of an operating system. Linux was once a hobby project by Linus Torvalds who gained inspiration dariMinix.
MINIX is a small UNIX system developed by Andy Tanenbaum in 1987.
Now Linux is a complete UNIX system, can be used for a network (networking), software development, and even for everyday. Linux has been used in numerous domains, from embedded systems to supercomputers, and had a secure position in the web server installation with his LAMP applications. Linux is now the alternative OS aremuch cheaper when compared to commercial OS, with an equivalent Linux capabilities even more Environmental these operating systems include:

Hundreds of programs including, compilers, interpreters, editors and utilities
Assistive devices that support connectivity, Ethernet, SLIP and PPP, and interoperability.
Product reliability software, including the last development version.
A group of developers who are spread all over the world who have worked and made
Linux portable to a new platform, as well as supporting the diverse needs of the user community and its location and also acts as its own developer team.
History of Linux related to GNU. The GNU project started in 1984 has the objective to create an operating system compatible with Unix and is complete and in total made up of free software. In 1985, Richard Stallman founded the free software foundation and developed the GNU General Public License (GNU General Public License or the GNU GPL). Most programs required by an operating system (such as libraries, compilers, text editors, a Unix shell and Windows system) was completed in the early 1990s, although lower-level elements such as device drivers

Linux does not have a logo that looks interesting, just a penguins showed a relaxedattitude when it runs. This logo has a unique origin, originally did not have a logo that depicts the trademark of Linux when Linus (the inventor) on holiday to the Southand met with a short and small linux accidentally bite his finger. This makes it a fever for days. This incident later inspired him to wear a penguin as its logo
Tux, the Penguin becomes a name logo mascot of linux. TUX works the artist Larry Ewing at the time developers feel the need to have a Linux logo trademark (1996), and upon the proposal of James Hughes was the name TUX meaning Torvalds UniX. Complete the logo of Linux, penguin by the name TUX. This trademark was registeredimmediately to avoid counterfeiting. Linux is listed as Program operation system (OS).

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