Friday, January 29, 2016

Understanding the Linux Operating System

understanding the linux operating system
Computer users in the world today most use homemade operating systems from Microsoft, namely Microsoft windows. It is reasonable to just happen, because the windows operating system is first present in the world instead of the Linux operating system. may you all have understood about computers, already understands that the windows operating system which is free software is not distributed, you have to pay a license fee in order to be legally installed in your computer, but if you don't issue a license fee, meaning it could be said of windows that you are using is pirated.

Linux is a free open source operating system which is free to the public under the GNU license. so you are allowed to install it on your computer or copy and distribute it without having to pay. Linux is a derivative of UNIX and can work on a wide variety of computer hardware ranging from inter x 86 up to RISC. With the GNU (Gnu's Not Unix) you can get the program, complete with source code (source code). Not only that, you are given the right to copy as much as You want, or even change the source code. And it is all legal under license. Although free, GNU license allows a party who wants to withdraw the fees for duplication as well as the delivery of the program.

The most important freedom of Linux, especially for programmers and network administrators, is the freedom to obtain the source code (source code) and the freedom to change it. This implies some important things. First security, the second dynamics.

If the commercial software does not allow you to know the source code then you will never know if the program that you buy from them it's safe or not (often called security by obscurity). Your life in the hands of the vendor. And if there was a notice about a bug from the commercial software, it is often too late. With Linux, you can examine its source code directly, along with other Linux users. Development of Linux users as an open community, makes the bug will quickly note, and as soon as that programmers will improve the program. You yourself also that determines a suitable code in accordance with the basic requirements and other software to be implemented. Like a car, you can modify it as he pleases, even up to the engine though, to obtain the desired shape.

The openness of source code also allows the operating system evolved rapidly. If a program with a closed system and is only developed by a particular vendor, at most about a thousand to five thousand people. As for Linux, with the openness of its source code, developed by volunteers all over the world. Approach to the development of this operating system called Bazaar. Reverse Chatedraal system is very closed and just concentrated on one or two developers only.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tips on using the touch screen

Tips on using the touch screen
each user of the devices adopt touchscreen wanted the device remains durable and long lasting. The following are tips on how to use the touch screen so that durable and long lasting:

1. Protect from collision
Avoid the device or touch screen touchscreen from scratches and collision. Although the current touchscreen device has been using technology that supports the resilience of scratches and collision, there is the possibility of a collision can be disturbing the mechanism. If you wish to use a cell phone, pocketed the bags do not narrow to reduce friction, or it could be using a special mobile phone case.

2. Keep the Battery
Don't let your phone battery runs out. Try to keep the battery is always in the top 20 percent. Because when the low battery power from the four corners will be transmitted to the point where you touch. unstable power will make the screen "floats"

3. Avoid static electricity
The power of static electricity can create layers of touch screen leaked. Despite being equipped with glass touch screen that adopts the anti static system, does not mean the touch screen can last for ever, therefore try to use leather protector

4. Keep the hygiene

When he wanted to use the touch screen, try your hand is always clean. Due to impurities in the hands of such oils can become conductive media or conduction of electricity. dirt buildup can produce a conductive layer which resulted in the touch screen is not accurate.

5. Avoid magnetic field
Keep the touch screen device you from a magnetic field, particularly electromagnetic because it may interfere with your touch screen system. Keep your mobile phone from the Vortex magnetic field such as speakers, ceiling fan, television or microwave

6. Keep the Temperature remains stable

Don't let the touch screen you are at too high a temperature, because the temperature of the touch-screen operation between 0 – 30 degrees Celsius with humidity of about 5%

That's some tips on how to let the device or touch screen touchscreen durable and long lasting. Hopefully some of the above tips can benefit you in particular that has a touch-screen device.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How to Take Care Your PC

How to Take Care Your PC
most people might be confused as to what to do when taking care of your own PC. Generally they leave it to others who are better understood. This is due to the limitations of knowledge about computers. But it would be better if we take care of your own computer. In addition to more efficient, we also reduce the chances for damage.
Actually do the maintenance on your home computer is not difficult. You just need the right tools and ways to care for your computer. What to look for in caring for our PC can auto summary as follows:
Clean hard disk of dust
Dust is the main enemy of your PC. The dust makes the release of heat into less than optimal. This can cause high temperature on your PC that is vulnerable to damage. You need a screwdriver, a blow dryer and vacuum cleaner to do it. The trick is as follows:
  • Go to the PC using an appropriate screwdriver. The screwdriver is not fitting shape and size will damage the nut on your PC.
  • Loose components on the inside of the PC, use the proper screwdriver anyway. Previously you must identify or mark the position of the wires that are stuck to it.
  • Afterwards spray the components that were already removed by using a blow dryer. Use wind mode only, do not use heat as it will damage the components.
  • Clean your PC casing or container with a vacuum cleaner, and then wipe to clean.
  • After that reinstall all the components as they are.
After that you can revive your PC. We suggest you to learn from the technician how to clean your computer. The trick is you simply hire the services of a technician to clean the PC, but it should be in your home. Record their way of working with video, photos or notes. After that you will know how to clean your PC. 
Clean the junk from the software.
Not only humans produce garbage. Any operating systems produce garbage. An operating system that many people use there are two, namely:

  • Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8) from Microsoft Corporation.
  • Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora) from the Linux Foundation and other publishers.
But generally people are using a Windows operating system from Microsoft. The operating system needs to be cleaned periodically so that its performance remains excellent. One way to clean up the Windows operating system is with the application called ccleaner. This application is free and easy to use. In addition, you can speed up your computer by reducing applications that run at startup. This feature also in ccleaner. As for the other thing you need to do is to update your anti-virus antivirus to make sure you get the latest information on computer virus so that it can recognize the virus as well.

With this you don't need someone else to do the treatment. In addition, you also reduce the chances your PC more quickly damaged due to usage.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The proxy function in the Internet world

The proxy function in the Internet world

Proxy is widely used in the virtual world, on the Internet. Of various activities by using a proxy, everything can be categorized in four major categories.

The function of the Proxy used to hide the identity of the original

The use of proxy that this one is the most popular of which is often done by the netter. If you often play or using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and others, you can use a proxy for additional security. A will not be able to find your original IP address, so you can get a little unprotected from the injection of the virus directly or indirectly. By using a proxy, then you will get a higher security because your IP is hidden by proxy server that serves you. In addition, you can keep browsing social networking in the Office though there are restrictions and limitations of such connections. You can safely browse because your boss will not be known, unless your boss is peeking behind you. This is because the IP address of your proxy will make you hard to find someone else because they will be confusion track the location of your Internet browsing.

The Proxy function is used for the purposes of browsing in secret

A reasonable thing and must be done on the internet is always keeping confidentiality of IP addresses, especially for those who have static IP or not fickle like ADSL customers. This can keep your computer safe from malicious attacks. By using a proxy, you can browse the internet in secret without being noticed by admin website that you visit. Admin website is usually put up a visitor counter program which there are devices to record the IP address of the visitor. If there is an admin who intends evil, then he can use the IP address list to steal important data, spreading the virus/trojan, spyware and more. If you are using a proxy, then recorded by the visitor counter is simply your proxy IP only.

You will be safe from possible attacks of that kind of evil. Security experts advise you to use the application when you're looking for files on the website that it deems dangerous. Many users are still using the original IP address for internet browsing in a long time. This is an action which is dangerous because the website that we visit is not necessarily secure and it belongs to the cracker that has malicious intent. The use of proxies will provide you a secondary IP address can be changed in accordance with proxy server which you use. With the IP address, then your activities on the internet will not be able to detect other people. You can also surf safely and comfortably.

The Proxy function is used to send something confidentially

Many people want the confidentiality of the original IP address in activity in the internet world, one of them with the use of a proxy to keep confidentiality of identity. This usage is usually done by the provider of the website, businessperson and marketer online. In an effort to raise the number of visitors to its website, it is not uncommon to the Manager using unethical ways, one of which is to spread the email contents are interesting and are considered useful in large numbers. email the website manager through groups, mailing lists and more so effective. The Manager also uses the proxy to send emails that are still so safely and freely.

Any online business is similar, they use this proxy as a promo email in spreading their product. It is that the sender of the email or other things not known to the recipient of the email. The email recipient will definitely be uneasy getting email promos too much. Therefore they could report the sender email promo to the provider of the website so that the address of the sender IP address is blocked. If the IP address was blocked by email website, then their online marketing activity can be stopped. This is avoided by them so that they use the proxy as her patron. Plus more if get blocking email from the website, then revenues could slump considerably and make a big loss. Benefits of email for people like them is as automatic sales machines which they did not want this.

The Proxy function is used to give the impression of different locations

You can have fun on the internet by using a proxy abroad. Generally done through social networking. You can use the proxy then you can login to your favorite social networks. Then you will look like in foreign countries. If you update the status of the automatic location, then you will be moved to the location of the address of the proxy server you use. This gives rise to the impression that you are abroad or in areas that are not the same as your physical condition is actually present. This is the same as hide your location, however this time it is not used for anything serious.
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