Monday, January 25, 2016

The proxy function in the Internet world

The proxy function in the Internet world

Proxy is widely used in the virtual world, on the Internet. Of various activities by using a proxy, everything can be categorized in four major categories.

The function of the Proxy used to hide the identity of the original

The use of proxy that this one is the most popular of which is often done by the netter. If you often play or using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and others, you can use a proxy for additional security. A will not be able to find your original IP address, so you can get a little unprotected from the injection of the virus directly or indirectly. By using a proxy, then you will get a higher security because your IP is hidden by proxy server that serves you. In addition, you can keep browsing social networking in the Office though there are restrictions and limitations of such connections. You can safely browse because your boss will not be known, unless your boss is peeking behind you. This is because the IP address of your proxy will make you hard to find someone else because they will be confusion track the location of your Internet browsing.

The Proxy function is used for the purposes of browsing in secret

A reasonable thing and must be done on the internet is always keeping confidentiality of IP addresses, especially for those who have static IP or not fickle like ADSL customers. This can keep your computer safe from malicious attacks. By using a proxy, you can browse the internet in secret without being noticed by admin website that you visit. Admin website is usually put up a visitor counter program which there are devices to record the IP address of the visitor. If there is an admin who intends evil, then he can use the IP address list to steal important data, spreading the virus/trojan, spyware and more. If you are using a proxy, then recorded by the visitor counter is simply your proxy IP only.

You will be safe from possible attacks of that kind of evil. Security experts advise you to use the application when you're looking for files on the website that it deems dangerous. Many users are still using the original IP address for internet browsing in a long time. This is an action which is dangerous because the website that we visit is not necessarily secure and it belongs to the cracker that has malicious intent. The use of proxies will provide you a secondary IP address can be changed in accordance with proxy server which you use. With the IP address, then your activities on the internet will not be able to detect other people. You can also surf safely and comfortably.

The Proxy function is used to send something confidentially

Many people want the confidentiality of the original IP address in activity in the internet world, one of them with the use of a proxy to keep confidentiality of identity. This usage is usually done by the provider of the website, businessperson and marketer online. In an effort to raise the number of visitors to its website, it is not uncommon to the Manager using unethical ways, one of which is to spread the email contents are interesting and are considered useful in large numbers. email the website manager through groups, mailing lists and more so effective. The Manager also uses the proxy to send emails that are still so safely and freely.

Any online business is similar, they use this proxy as a promo email in spreading their product. It is that the sender of the email or other things not known to the recipient of the email. The email recipient will definitely be uneasy getting email promos too much. Therefore they could report the sender email promo to the provider of the website so that the address of the sender IP address is blocked. If the IP address was blocked by email website, then their online marketing activity can be stopped. This is avoided by them so that they use the proxy as her patron. Plus more if get blocking email from the website, then revenues could slump considerably and make a big loss. Benefits of email for people like them is as automatic sales machines which they did not want this.

The Proxy function is used to give the impression of different locations

You can have fun on the internet by using a proxy abroad. Generally done through social networking. You can use the proxy then you can login to your favorite social networks. Then you will look like in foreign countries. If you update the status of the automatic location, then you will be moved to the location of the address of the proxy server you use. This gives rise to the impression that you are abroad or in areas that are not the same as your physical condition is actually present. This is the same as hide your location, however this time it is not used for anything serious.

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