Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tips on using the touch screen

Tips on using the touch screen
each user of the devices adopt touchscreen wanted the device remains durable and long lasting. The following are tips on how to use the touch screen so that durable and long lasting:

1. Protect from collision
Avoid the device or touch screen touchscreen from scratches and collision. Although the current touchscreen device has been using technology that supports the resilience of scratches and collision, there is the possibility of a collision can be disturbing the mechanism. If you wish to use a cell phone, pocketed the bags do not narrow to reduce friction, or it could be using a special mobile phone case.

2. Keep the Battery
Don't let your phone battery runs out. Try to keep the battery is always in the top 20 percent. Because when the low battery power from the four corners will be transmitted to the point where you touch. unstable power will make the screen "floats"

3. Avoid static electricity
The power of static electricity can create layers of touch screen leaked. Despite being equipped with glass touch screen that adopts the anti static system, does not mean the touch screen can last for ever, therefore try to use leather protector

4. Keep the hygiene

When he wanted to use the touch screen, try your hand is always clean. Due to impurities in the hands of such oils can become conductive media or conduction of electricity. dirt buildup can produce a conductive layer which resulted in the touch screen is not accurate.

5. Avoid magnetic field
Keep the touch screen device you from a magnetic field, particularly electromagnetic because it may interfere with your touch screen system. Keep your mobile phone from the Vortex magnetic field such as speakers, ceiling fan, television or microwave

6. Keep the Temperature remains stable

Don't let the touch screen you are at too high a temperature, because the temperature of the touch-screen operation between 0 – 30 degrees Celsius with humidity of about 5%

That's some tips on how to let the device or touch screen touchscreen durable and long lasting. Hopefully some of the above tips can benefit you in particular that has a touch-screen device.

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