Saturday, January 16, 2016

What is an IP Adress?

The Internet is a combination of connections from many computers in the world. In communicating, computers that are connected so that the address data needs can be placed correctly. The address of the instrument for the identification of the destination computer in recognizing computers that send data to it. Such is the usefulness of the IP address type A
Understanding IP address
Internet Protocol Address stands for the IP address. Understanding the IP address is a numeric identity private labeled to a device such as a computer, router or printer found in a computer network that uses internet protocol as a means of communication. The IP address has two functions.
  • As a means of identification of the interface on the host or network. 
This functionality is illustrated as the person's name as a method to recognize who the person is. in computer networks apply the same thing. 

  • As the address of a network location.
This functionality is illustrated as our home address showing the location we are located. To facilitate the delivery of data packets, then the IP address contains information of its existence. There is a route that must be traversed in order that data can get to the destination computer.
IP address using a 32 bit number. This system, known as Internet Protocol version 4, or IPv4. IPv4 is currently still in use even though there are already IPv6 was introduced in 1995. This is due to the high growth in the number of computers connected to the internet. Then it takes an address that is more capable of identifying many of the network members.
The format of the IP address

Actually addressing the IP address using the binary number. But so is easier written and read by humans, then the IP address is written with the number 4 decimal, each separated by a period. Writing format is called dotted-decimal notation. Each decimal octet value is of one or eight bits of the IP address. An example is as follows:

If converted into binary number is as follows:


Easier to read which?
IP address classes

The network administrator the author IP address divide it into 5 classes, namely A, B, C, D and e. Differences in each of these classes is the size and number. Class A IP used by a small chain that has a member that is a bit. Then a row B and c. as for D and E are the IP addresses for the purposes of experimental.
Network ID and Host ID

The above IP address class divisions based on two things, namely the network ID and host ID. The network ID is the portion of the IP address that shows the location of the computer network. While the host ID indicates a whole host of other TCP/IP in the network.

Thus the understanding of IP address we can discuss. For more details you can review again each subject above directly with the search engines.

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