Sunday, January 24, 2016

Tips on choosing a computer casing

Tips on choosing a computer casing
There are many options of the casing on the market today. That choice distinguished ranging from price, shape, color some of the features that make us difficult to choose which one. But calm, we have tips for choosing the casing, which is based on the following things:

  • The appropriate casing size
Adjust the size of the casing with the size of the components you have. You have to buy the computer casing with the right size, not too small. If the casing is too small then the components in it could easily overheats and huddle rooms because the air circulation is not smooth.

  • Brand power supply and chassis
Make sure the power supply and chassis are produced by the same company. Usually the casing and power supply this is one package. However, in some kind of high-end chassis power supply and casings sold separately. Therefore make sure the casing and its power supply comes from one of the same brand. This is intended so that the features on the power supply can be accommodated by the casing and vice versa.

  • Note the material casing
Make sure the casing have good material. Do not choose a casing made with bad ones, that is material that can still drain the electricity so people can shock if touched. It could be said that the casing does not have a grounding system is electric. This influence on the components of your computer in the future.
  • Air ventilation system should be good
Make sure you choose a casing that has good air Exchange System. When the computer is used then it will generate heat. Good heat circulation ensures temperature computer does not rise drastically and computer components will be durable and your computer doesn't hang due to overheating.

  • Check again before the goods you receive
It's good you check the back casing of the computer before you take it home. Do not let happen is the difference in terms of the type, shape, color or size between casing you pay and you bring it home. Because generally the casing encased in a sealed cardboard boxes. Just by looking at a model in cardboard boxes do not directly believe. It's good we check again the completeness by going far. Because the computer stores generally do not accept returns after goods taken home.

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